The consolidation that has taken place within the financial services industry has resulted in a dilution of brand equity and a manic free-for-all by institutions. Banks are gaining brokerage capabilities and vice versa. In the rush to capture market share, many Investment Advisors are focusing on additional estate planning issues, and losing focus of their main objective, to provide sound financial advice. After nine years of working at Smith Barney - Citi Family Office, my company was guilty of just that, trying to be all things to all people, consequently diminishing the overall client experience.
That being said, I have recently left that company to pursue a career with a firm that exclusively provides investment counsel to high net worth clients. Having only one objective, managing client investment portfolios, allows us to concentrate solely on that one objective. What a concept! At L&S Advisors, we do not sell any products, nor are we constrained to any single strategy. Further, we do not hire third party or mutual fund managers to make our investment decisions, thus allowing our clients direct access to the fiduciaries guiding their portfolios.
The strengths of our core philosophy distinguish L&S Advisors from other providers. We adhere to an investment philosophy that ultimately manages risk by allowing flexibility towards the components of the securities markets in which we invest. As a result we can excel in a variety of market conditions, such as the turbulent times we are currently experiencing.
Simply put, if you are troubled with the investment advice or performance you are receiving, or don’t believe your risk management concerns are properly being addressed, I encourage you to send me an email so I can give you a brief introduction to how we may help with your financial challenges. I am confident after a few minutes, you will clearly be able to distinguish our investment philosophy and strategy from other providers, and how it has helped to contribute to our superior risk management and investment performance across several different market cycles in the past.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The information contained herein is based on internal research derived from various sources and does not purport to be statements of all material facts relating to the securities, markets or issues mentioned. The information contained herein, while not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness, has been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable. Opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice